ON-CALL 24/7 1800 880 500
Keiran Mortimer Pest Control, we provide comprehensive termite barriers for new constructions, alterations, and extensions across
Toowoomba, Highfields and the Darling Downs region.
Using Australia's leading termite barriers, we're able to provide a cost-effective solution to termite infestations.
Envu termite barrier and termite reticulation systems are uniquely flexible building protection tools that can be easily moulded or cut and joined to fit complex designs.
Termites will no longer be able to get into your property because of the physical barrier around your home. The barrier includes a chemical repellent which will prevent an underground termite attack. This will save you money on expensive structural repairs.
Call Keiran Mortimer Pest Control today to discuss the benefits of using physical termite barriers and termite reticulation systems on your next construction project.
two houses — Termite Inspections in Wilsonton,QLD
construction ladder — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
construction ladder2 — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
construction site with water tank in background — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
construction site with blue sky in background — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
construction site with house in background — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
construction site with fence in background — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
construction site with houses in background2 — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
construction bricks — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
New Construction — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
Temite Inspection — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
New Construction — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
Temite Inspection — Termite Protection in Wilsonton,QLD
Keiran Mortimer Pest Control is a family owned and operated Toowoomba business providing exceptional pest and termite control to home and business owners throughout the region. Call us today to find out more.
Keiran Mortimer Pest Control is a family owned and operated Toowoomba business providing exceptional pest and termite control to home and business owners throughout the region. Call us today to find out more.